Welcome to David Mullins' blog

Man climbing boulder. Climber: David Mullins - Photo: Allen Chaney

Welcome to my blog! I'm excited to share the path I've been on and connect with others who have similar interests. Currently, I have a few blog posts up - you can check them out here. My blog aims to be both informative and educational, combining practical experience with a theoretical backbone. My background spans web development, RF engineering, digital signal processing, and financial modeling. I plan to continue creating interactive content that effectively explores these topics and provides a more intuitive experience than simply reading a textbook.

Recent Posts

Sizing the Gym: Market Selection & Analysis
Time, Frequency, Bandwidth, & Rise Time
Iterative Gym Design with ClimbCalc
Crafting a Web Application: The Tech Stack

What can you expect in the future?

  • Interactive Posts: More hands-on content to help understanding of complex topics.
  • Diverse Topics: Topics include software, web development, RF engineering, digital signal processing, statistics, financial modeling, climbing and more.
  • Educational Resources: Combining theory and practice for a deeper understanding.

Be sure to check back for new content down the line!